WOW! That shit was great!
That was some amazing Falsh animation!
WOW! That shit was great!
That was some amazing Falsh animation!
Could have been more violent...
Your dumb.
Hmmm... I'm glad I don't live where you live! Believe it or not 1/2 of the population aren't criminals! What are you, 5?
I gotta give you a fucking ten for humor! That was damn hilarious! You ACTUALLY believe that the government will try to become Hitler?! Shit, why? What would the government get out of that? You fucked up paranoid freak.
Well, the animation sucked, so the only thing that you had going for ya was the sound. And uhhh... I've played Summoner, buddy.
You just made skate boarding stickmen look good. I would MUCH rather watch stickmen than this shit! You have to be skilled in FLASH in order to insult bad animation.
Listen karmichael
I know that movie was gay, but don't take it out on Canadians. I assuse you we are not eskimos! I live just outside of Vancouver, and it's winter right now... it's like 15C! Sorry if you don't understand celcious u dumb redneck!
alright, i assume you missed the entire point. Canada was the good guys here, taking out Disney.
and where the hell did eskimo come in?
i liked it
Fuck you.
Age 38, Male
Abbotsford, Canada
Joined on 1/3/01